          小巧可愛巧克力味濃郁死人不嘗命之 杏芳一口布朗尼_MY NIECE'S FULL MONTH CELEBRATION On October 13th is my niece's full month celebration.She is the first baby in my family.We are very happly and we celebrate on 術後面膜 that day.We give cakes to our relatives and friends and let them know there is a baby coming this world . It's the Chinese cust 婚禮佈置oms and traditions. I bought the full moon cake on the Internet .It's called chocolate brownie. Welcome to the world Angela.Thanks god let you be born 室內裝潢in our family. There are 12 balls in a box. We orderd 39 boxes of Brownie cakes.The bakery use home delivery to sent the cakes to our home in the morning.I were very excited 西裝外套 to see a lot of cakes in front of me. Although them aren't mine,but share the good news and delicious food are good things. Expiry date: 7 days Orinigal price was NT $110,but the bakery is on 買屋網 sale during this month .one box is NT $99 .ingredients: chocolate, butter,cocoa powder, egg,sugar, wheat powderExpiry date: freeze for 7 days the best way to taste the cake is taking out of the fridge for 3 ~5 min 長灘島utes. 價格: 110 元  特價 99 元 包裝: 一盒 12入 材料: 特級苦甜巧克力、紐西蘭天然奶油、可可粉、蛋、糖、小麥粉 賞味期限: 冷凍保存1 星期 最佳食用方式: 從冷凍庫退冰3-5 分鐘後品嚐風味最佳  The Brownie small really good.when I open it 帛琉,the air is filled with the aroma from the Brownie.oh~~~I cann't wait~~~~so before I took this photo,I already finished one. Because I always heard the sound ,someone told me to eat them. ^+++++^ ha ha ha ~~~~~ The Brownie tastes not too sweet ,it's 關鍵字行銷just moderate. There is paper on the botton of cake. So I can eat them,and my hand won't be dirty. The size is small.I won't gobble them up .I can eat them very elegantly. I sliced the chocolate brownie into two pieces. The chocolate brownie is shinning on the sunsine. 西服 The chocolate brownie looks so beautiful ! And they taste really delicious! You can eat the chocolate brownie and drink a cup of tea in the afternoon.It will be the wonderful day!~~ 大溪傳家手工餅舖 杏芳食品address:桃園縣大溪鎮中央路127號phone number: 澎湖民宿  .

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