          You have no right to kill the will left by the landlord. Therefore, I realized how come "Drew.Good.Liang" can have that right to refused to given "Jean.州"back"6.Byao". Because the King who own that land already gone, every one must have to re 賣屋ly on the good will and good skill to do the duty to kill to get the land ownership like Rebel does (Therefore, I realized Communist wants to declare ownership of the entire land, 烤肉食材have to kill all who refused to join Communist party [That how you are Chinese, no matter you call yourself Taiwanese or Cantonese or whatever overseas, you must not go to Mainland China, because if yo 情趣用品u do, China Communist must have all their right to kill you immediately. That may explain how come the ghost made me to visit Mainland China after I got USA passport {I can have right to share the land to house myself 西裝外套and my kids along with the wild natural animals in USA, because USA has no right to own any share of the land. Not mention to abuse their sucking government power to force anyone of we the people to pay them sucking property tax. That how you Taiwan 酒店兼職 should do the righteous duty to nuclear the entire USA gone with wind for the crime their sucking USA committed to look you small Taiwan down to under their sucking US Congress eyes.}to show them that I already lost my first class Chinese right, no way to have right to seo ask any share of China land.], because once a nation become Democratic, that means every citizen can have right to share the ownership of the land, therefore, in order for Communist to be the only owner, the Communist must have to kill all non-members to take over the share left behind by 酒店兼職them. the only exception is Communist formed by the farmers in the Continent of America don't need to do the kill because no one and no any formed organization or institution in the Continent of America can have right to declare the ownership, because late China King owned land left his will to give his land back t 系統傢俱o the wild natural. That how the Continent of America must have to be nuclear, not if but when, because you have no way to get those liars evil doers willing to respect any good better best will to honor that good better best orders.), that how "6.Bay" "曹操" "Swen.Chyuan" all have right to have their force back 賣屋 and forth inside that China area not to be nailed or sticked on any spotted point. That how there's no such thing about "Ten.G.Boot.Curse.Shit.Load", because any "Boot.Curse.Shit.Load", you must have no way to figure it out. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 好房網  .

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